Trinidad Northeast Coastal Development Information Portal

This page in an information resource for all interested in learning and making informed decisions regarding the sustainable coastal development of North Eastern Trinidad.

The current focus is developing the future economy of Trinidad’s northeast peninsula as the last “clean and green” corner of the island versus industrializing the region.  

In the year 2000, Stakeholders Against Destruction (SAD) for Toco presented an Alternative Development Plan to the proposed Toco Port & Ferry Project. Twenty years later their plan remains as relevant as ever in response to the new Toco port, whose design iterations can be reviewed as presented in News articles over the decades.


Updates and notifications

Notices and recent information to help keep track of the timeline of events

News articles

Links to news coverage of focusing on sustainable development and the Toco Port Project

Government Documents

Links to government documents focusing on sustainable development and the Toco Port Project

Scientific research

Research articles addressing our understanding of the habitats of Trinidad’s northeast peninsula

Public comments

Submissions made in response to request for public comment

Community Documents

Links to resources contributed from local and international communities

Toco Marine Environment Narratives

Compilation of short summaries highlighting criteria identified by the ESA Rules for designating an area as environmentally sensitive

Info-graphic summaries and posters

Links to summary graphics you can download and share